II International Congress of the Movement Europa Christi


The 2nd International Congress of the Europa Christi movement with the participation of eminent European scientists will take place from October 14 to 22 in Częstochowa, Warsaw, Rzeszów, Lublin, Łódź and Kraków. In the 100th anniversary of Polish independence and the 40th anniversary of the election of Pope John Paul II, the participants of the Congress will debate “Vision of Europe according to Saint John Paul II”.

The Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University is planning the panel “Church in Europe” on 15 October. In other cities there will be five extensive thematic panels devoted to law and economics in the context of European values, re-Christianization of Europe and the role of the family. These issues will be discussed by representatives of Catholic and university societies, politicians, including the prime ministers of Poland and Hungary and representatives of the Polish government and European parliamentarians.
