For the eighth time, lovers of the North will meet in Gdansk from 24 to 26 November at the Nordic Focus Festival. The organisers promise meetings with the culture, history and reality of the Nordic countries through film screenings, exhibitions, photographs, concerts and author meetings.
Nordic Focus Festival – Nordic Culture Festival is a unique interdisciplinary event organised in Gdańsk continuously since 2016. The event is hosted by the JANTAR Association of Artistic Initiatives and the University of Gdansk, in cooperation with national and international partners
Between 24 and 26 November this year, auditorium 1.43 of the Faculty of Philology and History will be visited by a number of prominent artists, experts and personalities associated with Nordic culture.
“This time, we will focus on the images and sounds of Iceland, while our discussions will revolve around the theme of emigration and the crisis of multiculturalism in the countries of the North”, informs the university.
Read more: https://ug.edu.pl/news/pl/5987/nadchodzi-z-polnocy-8-edycja-nordic-focus-festival