In four years, the Silesian Interdisciplinary Chemistry Centre to be established in Katowice 

Aleksander Mirek Uniwersytet Śląski

In four years, the Silesian Interdisciplinary Chemistry Centre will be established in Katowice. The flagship investment of the University of Silesia will cost around PLN 220 million.

The six-storey seat of the centre on the Katowice campus will be one of the university’s most modern buildings. The aim is to create a modern place for staff and students, who will be able to use well-equipped laboratories, as well as to develop higher education for the needs of the green economy, offsetting the effects of industrial activity and the energy transition underway in the region.

The building will also become a space open to people outside the academic community – one of the aims of the centre is to popularise science. It is part of the emerging Green Science Zone in Katowice and the concept of the Network Science Centre. The project is also closely linked to Katowice’s obtaining the title of European City of Science 2024.

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Higher education