Innovative endoscope from the Lodz University of Technology


The endoscope with extended range, allowing doctors to diagnose the entire digestive system has been developed at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology.

This innovative solution makes possible to examine the patient within one visit. Today, if during a traditional colonoscopy or gastroscopic examination, the doctor does not detect the cause of the disease, patients are directed to further examinations, e.g. ultrasound or computer tomography. Such a situation significantly delays the correct diagnosis of the disease and its treatment.

– We are developing individual elements of the device, and next year we plan to build a ready-made prototype – says Dr. Eng. Łukasz Frącczak from the Lodz University of Technology.

However, patients will have to wait for a new endoscope for several years, because of medical procedures and the need to conduct clinical trials.

Innovations Medicine and biotechnology