The Institute of Higher Education Development (IRSW) started the #Институт развития высшего образования запустил акцию #PomagamyUczelniom # campaign. It aims to help the university authorities that face the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic.
The coronavirus outbreak forced universities to change their current model of functioning. It became necessary to implement the work and teaching in a remote mode almost immediately and to make procedures more flexible.
In our opinion, this is a moment of a real challenge, which is faced by the entire academic community, because the consequences of the current situation is affecting us all, without exception – wrote Dr Adam Szot, president of the board of the Institute of Higher Education Development.
As part of the #PomagamyUczelniom campaign, the Facebook group has been transformed into a free platform for sharing knowledge and experience for staff and people of higher education and will be used to carry out assistance activities.