PhD students of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology have won distinctions in the national Student Inventor competition. Their ideas for the recovery of lithium and manganese from used batteries and modified bio-glass for the production of bioactive composites were awarded.
The special prize of the Chairman of the Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences was awarded to Adrian Kowaliński for ‘Method of recovering lithium and manganese from used lithium batteries, Anna Krokos won the special prize of the Marshal of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship for ‘Modified bio-glass for producing bioactive polymer composites and method of modifying bio-glass for producing bioactive polymer composites.
The competition is organised by the Świętokrzyska University of Technology and awards are given to students, doctoral students and graduates who, during their studies, created (or co-created) an invention or utility/industrial design protected by an exclusive right, filed for protection with the Patent Office or an industrial property office abroad.
Read more: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/wynalazki-naszych-doktorantow-wyroznione-12796.html