Israeli experimental physicist wins Lem Prize for 2023

fot. Politechnika Wrocławska

Experimental physicist Prof. Ido Kaminer of the Technion Israel Institute of Technology has won the Stanislaw Lem European Science Prize for 2023. Sixteen applications were submitted for this year’s competition from ten different countries. 

According to the jury, Professor Kaminer is an extraordinary scientist who, while investigating fundamental aspects related to the interaction of light and matter, combines the brilliance of a theorist and the mastery of an experimentalist. 

His pioneering experimental and theoretical contributions to the field of quantum electrodynamics of photonic quasiparticles and the creation of the foundations of quantum optics including free electrons were particularly recognised.

The award was established to commemorate the 100th birthday of the eminent Polish science fiction novelist. Each year, the laureate is selected by the chapter, which consists of eminent scientists from abroad and the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, as well as Tomasz Lem, the writer’s son.

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