Jagiellonian University rated highest of Polish universities in The Center for World University Rankings


On June 8, the latest Center for World University Rankings 2020-2021 was published. The list includes 20,000 universities from around the world, including 2,000 assessed by CWUR as the best schools.

Among Polish universities, the Jagiellonian University in Kraków was ranked the highest on the 375th position. The University of Warsaw took the 396th position, the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow is on the 624th place, the Warsaw University of Technology was the 717th, the University of Wrocław – the 833rd, and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań was rated on the 836th place.

The CWUR ranking takes into account several indicators: the quality of education, employment of graduates in managerial positions in leading global companies, the number of researchers who have won important international awards or the results of scientific research.

The first three places in the ranking are occupied by universities from the USA: Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford University.

Higher education