Jagiellonian University to offer free Polish language course for refugees from Ukraine


The Jagiellonian Language Center of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow is inviting refugees to a free online Polish language course. It takes place every day from Monday to Friday, from 8.00-9.00.

The course will be conducted in three-week courses until June 2022, but the idea of the course has been prepared in such a way that each lesson is a separate logical whole, so a participant can join the course at any stage.

During the course, students will learn the basics of the Polish language, such as: the alphabet, salutations, introducing oneself, address, e-mail, providing personal data, numbers, telephone number, currency, money exchange, conversations in the bank and exchange office, dialogues in the store, food, cafe, asking for directions, navigation, transport, tickets, looking for accommodation and a flat, reporting theft or loss, at the doctor’s, weather, time.

How to join a course? At 8:00 am click on the link of the MS Teams platform.


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