Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence established at Poznań University of Economics

fot. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu

Following a decision by the European Commission, the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Resilient and transforming Europe” (Transform EU) has been established at the Poznań University of Economics.  

The Centre’s activities aim to provide the public with a deeper understanding of the challenges of environmental and digital transformation in the European Union. The specific objectives of the project include promoting excellence in teaching and research on sustainable Europe, fostering dialogue on the topic between academia and society, providing evidence-based knowledge for decision-makers, and spreading knowledge of the EU and its development to the public.

The Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence are selected through competitions as a prestigious EU grant to undertake a wide range of research and teaching activities on the European Union. In this year’s competition, 27 projects from all over the world were selected for implementation and only one from Poland.

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