Joint declaration of the conferences of rectors of Polish, French and German universities 


In the context of the G7 and European Commission Conference on the Reconstruction of Ukraine taking place in Berlin on 25 October 2022, the Rectors’ Conferences of France, Germany and Poland have published a joint declaration calling for due consideration of the areas of education and research.

“The Russian attack on Ukraine is a great challenge to the existence of the Ukrainian state and to the cohesion of democratically organised societies in Europe and the world”, says the joint declaration. 

The rectors’ conferences recalled that European universities have supported Ukrainian universities and their students and staff since the beginning of the war.

They also declared their readiness to contribute to the future reconstruction of the Ukrainian state. “Modern and internationally attractive universities, forming the core of the education and research system, will play a key role in the development of Ukrainian society and economy”, states the declaration.

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Higher education