Kielce project to revolutionize the customer service market


Scientists from Kielce University of Technology and the Kielce-based Altar company (project leader) will jointly develop an innovative Emotica AI IT solution, which has a chance to revolutionize the customer service market in the Contact Center industry through the use of the artificial intelligence. The system will recognize the intentions of the caller before it connects to the hotline.

The aim of the project is to significantly improve customer service on the hotline by using artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing (NLP) and Big Data analytics methods in the application – says Waldemar Cichacz, President of the Management Board of Altar.

The project submitted by the Kielce consortium turned out to be so innovative that it was included in the group of 19 of 71 projects selected for co-financing by the National Center for Research and Development.

The project will be implemented for the next three years, and the cost of implementing the proposed solution is almost PLN 7 million, of which over PLN 4.5 million is covered by EU funding.

The project research and development manager is Dr Eng. Mirosław Płaza from the Laboratory of Teleinformatic Networks and Internet Technologies of the Kielce University of Technology.
