Kielce Swietokrzyska University of Technology to cooperate with Thuy Loi University in Hanoi

Politechnika Świętokrzyska

The Rector of Kielce Swietokrzyska University of Technology Prof Zbigniew Koruba and the Rector of Thuy Loi University in Hanoi Prof Trinh Minh Thu have signed a cooperation agreement, which provides for research and scientific analysis, implementation of joint research and teaching projects, exchange of research and teaching staff and students, joint scientific publications, as well as improvement of teaching processes. 

“Although the scope of the agreement is extensive, we will particularly want to cooperate in the fields of construction and architecture”, said Prof Zbigniew Koruba.

The rector of the Vietnamese university expressed his satisfaction with the possibility of cooperation with such an “innovative university” and said that the agreement will allow not only for the arrival of scientists from Hanoi, but also for training and student exchange. 

During their visit, the Vietnamese scientists held seminars at the Kielce university in the form of lectures and presentations for full-time students of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in Construction.

Higher education