Kielce University of Technology wins the European Rover Challenge


The Impuls team from the Kielce University of Technology once again won the European Robot Rover Challenge. The second place was taken by the team from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, and the third by designers from the Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic.

The best team award was presented by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, who was a special guest of the event.

– I cordially congratulate the winners and all participants of the European Rover Challenge. I am full of admiration that the technical traditions that Stanisław Staszic initiated in Kielce, opening the first technical university here in Poland, are continued at the Kielce University of Technology. Its students are following the best creators and engineers. On the one hand, these cosmic inventions mean a scientific voyage into space, but on the other they are building a future for humanity. Congratulations on inventiveness, innovation and difficult skills. – said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. 28 teams and about 400 young constructors from 12 countries took part in the fifth competition European Rover Challenge.

Technical sciences