Koszalin University of Technology created a knowledge base of the scientific activities

Kamil Kiedrowski/REPORTER

The Koszalin University of Technology has made available the Constellation of Knowledge – a collection of information on the scientific activities carried out at the university. It contains information on scientific, research and implementation work, as well as on publications, reports on research conducted from public funds, doctoral dissertations, conducted didactic work and completed diploma theses during studies.

Full texts of materials documenting scientific work are available in the Knowledge Base including articles, monographs, and book chapters. Access may only be restricted by copyright law.

A systematized and constantly updated set of information on scientific achievements will facilitate cooperation with the economic environment, but also with the entire world of science. The structure of the Knowledge Base enables the data collected to be made available also in English. Foreign partners will be able to familiarize themselves with the achievements of researchers at any time.

More: https://tu.koszalin.pl/art/1998/powstala-baza-wiedzy-o-dzialalnosci-naukowej-politechniki-koszalinskiej

Higher education