Kozminski University cooperating with Standard Chartered Bank

Shkuru Afshar, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Kozminski University (ALK) in Warsaw has partnered with Standard Chartered Bank to enrich its Master in Big Data Science Programme. This partnership aims to provide students with a rich and practical educational experience in the field of big data analytics.

As part of the agreement, Standard Chartered Bank has committed to seconding its staff to deliver specific practical classes with ALK students, which will be specifically focused on specialised subjects within the programme.

In addition, the aforementioned partnership includes support from Standard Chartered Bank for students in the execution of their business projects within the Big Data Science Programme. 

During their execution, the partner organisation will provide students with mentoring from its employees. The mentors will help the students in various aspects, including achieving project milestones, substantive support throughout the project and even opportunities to engage in research activities to prepare their master theses.

Higher education