Kraków 12th European Zebrafish Meeting

Paulo de Oliveira/Biosphoto/East News

From 9 to 13 July 2023, the Jagiellonian University (UJ) in Krakow is hosting the 12th European Zebrafish Meeting bringing together world-renowned researchers working on the zebrafish model. The event is regular and takes place every 3 years. In Poland, it is organised for the first time. 

The Zebrafish is a small aquarium fish that has in its genome the equivalent of about 80% of genes responsible for human diseases. It is currently, after the mouse, the second most popular model organism used to study many human ailments such as heart damage, cancer and even mental illness.

The conference programme includes 19 thematic sessions covering topics such as the use of danio in cancer research, neurodegenerative, infectious and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, there will be three workshops on: the use of advanced microscopic analysis methods, danio breeding and maintenance, and the use of danio in toxicological research. 

