Lecturer of the Medical University of Gdańsk receives the award of the Minister of Health


Dr Jarosław Kobiela from the Department of General, Endocrine and Transplant Surgery at the Medical University of Gdańsk received the Minister of Health Award. The award was granted for his publications on molecular tests and modern echniques of endoscopic diagnostics and treatment of gastrointestinal neoplasms.

The Minister’s Award may be granted to academic teachers at medical universities or the Medical Center of Postgraduate Education. It is awarded by the Minister of Health – either on his initiative either at the request of the rector of the university where the teacher is employed, or the director of the Medical Center for Postgraduate Education.

Dr Jarosław Kobiela is a surgeon and gastroenterologist working for the Gdańsk university from the beginning of his scientific career. His works include many publications on colonoscopy, surgery and colon cancer.


Medicine and biotechnology