“Łęczna Energy Cluster” created with the participation of Lublin University of Technology

Politechnika Lubelska

Lublin University of Technology, together with: Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A., Łęczyńska Energetyka sp. z o.o., the Łęczna Poviat and the Communes of Łęczna, Cyców, Ludwin, Milejów, Puchaczów and Spiczyn, established the “Łęczyń Energy Cluster”.

The consortium’s aim is to ensure the energy security of the local community and create an energy self-sufficient area using clean and environmentally friendly energy resources. The idea of the Cluster is also to implement innovative solutions in the energy sector and to improve the competitiveness of entities forming the Cluster, as well as to create a region as open to the development of clean technologies.

The Lublin University of Technology (PL) in the Cluster is to assist in the analysis of energy flows of individual members. It is also to support the Cluster in the area of modern technologies related to the transmission and storage of electricity. 

PL scientists will also provide training in modern technologies related to electricity, heat or data analytics. 

Modern economy