Logistics in business at the University of Economics in Katowice awarded a prestigious international certificate 

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach

The BA and MA programmes in Business Logistics at the University of Economics in Katowice have been certified by the European Logistics Association, an association of logistics organisations in European countries. 

The certificate is awarded to programmes whose content complies with the European Qualification Standards for Logistics Professionals and has valid national accreditation. Its distinguishing feature is the possibility for graduates to obtain a named certificate.

The certificate is a tangible proof for employers all over the world, confirming the professional competence of the graduate in the field of logistics. Graduates of the Logistics in Business course can apply for a personal certificate of Candidate European Logistician, which is valid for a period of five years after graduation. Graduates already holding a personal certificate have the possibility to obtain the European Junior Logistician certificate for life. 

Read more: https://www.ue.katowice.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/article/kierunek-logistyka-w-biznesie-z-prestizowym-miedzynarodowym-certyfikatem-european-logistics-associat.html 

Higher education