Lublin to host meeting of the European Network of Academic Chaplains

Tomasz Rytych/REPORTER

From 13 to 16 February, the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) will host representatives of the European network of academic pastoral care run by Jesuits -JUPC (Jesuit University Pastoral Care). In addition to representatives from Poland, the event will also be attended by representatives from: Belgium, Croatia, Spain, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Germany, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and the United Kingdom.

JUPC meetings have been held periodically for several years, each time in a different country.  In Poland, they will be held for the first time. The aim of the meetings is to educate and exchange experiences on the best ways of pastoral work among university students. The theme of the Lublin meeting will be supporting and accompanying students with emotional and relational difficulties.

An intensive workshop on effective communication in the context of pastoral work will be conducted by eminent trainers and experts in the innovative “non-violent communication” (NVC) trend: Dr Beata Hołtyń and Piotr Hołtyń. 
