Łukasiewicz – Institute of Non-ferrous Metals becomes a member of the GR4FITE3 project consortium

Łukasiewicz Instytut Metali NIeżelaznych

Łukasiewicz – Institute of Non-ferrous Metals is a member of the consortium of the project ‘Graphite Resilience for Lithium-Ion battery anodes via sustainable European End-to-End supply chain’ (GR4FITE3). The consortium is made up of 10 entities from 6 countries, its member is one of the largest operating graphite mines in Europe, Zavalievsky. 

The aim of the four-year project is to create a sustainable supply chain for the European graphite industry and materials used as anodes in lithium-ion cells for electric vehicle and energy storage applications working with renewable energy sources. 

The anode material will be a blend of synthetic graphite recovered through recycled technology and suitably improved natural graphite mined in Europe The project has received funding from the Horizon Europe programme.

Read more: http://www.imn.gliwice.pl/articles/1252/lukasiewicz_-_imn_realizuje_projekt__gr4fite3
