Marcin Witkowski from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań receives Marketing Star title


Marcin Witkowski from the International Cooperation Support Center of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań won the title of Marketing Star in the competition Stars of Internationalization.

The winners of the competition are selected by the main Polish institutions and organizations involved in the development of internationalization – including the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the National Agency for Academic Exchange and the Conference of Polish Academic Rectors. The competition is supported by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Science and Higher Education Jarosław Gowin and the chairman of the Conference Prof. Eng. Jan Szmidt.

Marcin Witkowski works at the AMU International Cooperation Support Center, where he coordinates international projects. He is involved in running the Orientation Week for foreign students. He is one of the editors of the university’s website in English and co-creates a new English-language profile of the university in social media.


Higher education