Medical University in Wroclaw comes the second medical university in Poland according to CWUR


The Medical University of Wroclaw came 940 in the World University Rankings 2020-21 ranking. This gives it a second position among Polish medical universities. This year’s ranking includes 35 universities from Poland.

The ranking was created by The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) and includes 2,000 best universities in the world. The most important assessment criteria are the quality of education measured by the number of university graduates who have won the main academic awards in relation to the size of the university and employment of graduates, measured by the number of university graduates who have held the highest managerial positions in the largest companies in the world – in relation to the size of the university.

The top three of the ranking include American Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Stanford University. Among Polish universities, the highest rated universities were: The Jagiellonian University (375 place) and The Warsaw University (396) and AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków (624).

Higher education