Medical University of Gdańsk joins the consortium of the EuCanImage project


The Medical University of Gdańsk is implementing the project “A European Cancer Image Platform Linked to Biological and Health Data for Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence and Precision Medicine in Oncology” (EuCanImage). Research is funded under the Horizon 2020 Framework Program for Research and Innovation.

The goal of the project is to create a European platform with over 25,000 clinical cases of breast, colorectal and liver cancers. Fully anonymized clinical data, radiological tests, genetic and molecular research data will be used to create diagnostic and predictive models based on artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions.

Five universities from Poland, Spain, Italy, Sweden and Lithuania as well as 15 research institutions and companies from Europe and the United States are involved in the project. The consortium leader is the University of Barcelona. The total value of funding is almost EUR 10 million.

Higher education