Medical University of Silesia in Katowice obtains money for 7 implementation doctorates


The Medical University of Silesia in Katowice has raised over PLN 2 million for the 7 implementation doctorates in the field of medical sciences and health sciences. All doctorates for which a Silesian medical university applied for funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education were accepted.

The money will help finance the costs of using research infrastructure to carry out scientific research conducted by PhD students and finance PhD scholarships for 7 PhD students during their PhD studies (no longer than four years). The doctorates will be implemented under the supervision of employers.

In total 61 applications were submitted in two modules – “Implementation Doctorate I” (52 applications / 449 candidates) and “Implementation Doctorate II in the field of artificial intelligence” (9 applications / 36 candidates). The purpose of this formula is to create conditions for the development of cooperation between the scientific community and the socio-economic environment.

Higher education