Meeting between the Minister of Science and the Presidents of Student Councils 

fot. MNiSW

The Minister of Science and Higher Education, Dariusz Wieczorek, met at the Sejm with the presidents of student councils of Polish universities. He discussed with the students the current activities of the Ministry of Science and the prospects for the development of higher education in Poland.

Minister Wieczorek spoke about planned amendments to the Act on Higher Education or the prospect of building and modernising student dormitories. He also encouraged young people to get involved in the life of society.

“We want to return to dialogue to discuss with you what needs to be changed in Polish science and at Polish universities to let you also carry out your scientific work at these universities, to develop yourself academically, so that you do not leave to study and work abroad. This is very important to us and we wish to inspire you with the important thought that you are a great glory to society. There are 1 million 200,000 students in Poland. You have a really powerful potential to suggest possible solutions and shape the quality of higher education in our country”, said the head of the science ministry.
