Meeting of the rectors of the two largest universities in the Podkarpacie region


In Rzeszów, the rectors of the two largest universities in Podkarpacie region: Rzeszów University of Technology and the University of Rzeszów met at the conference, which was devoted to the cooperation of both high schools in the field of research and science, obtaining and implementing grants and organizing joint projects popularizing academic studies in Rzeszów and the Podkarpackie region.

During the talks, they emphasized that universities will be evaluated in various scientific disciplines, and using the potential of cooperation, both universities can develop a strategy of mutual benefits.

According to the representatives of the Rzeszów University of Technology and the University of Rzeszów, the functioning and mutual cooperation of two large, autonomous, dynamically operating and developing public universities are very beneficial for the academic community of Rzeszów, including employees and students of both universities, as well as for the entire city and the region.

The rectors expressed their willingness to organize regular meetings and to reactivate the conference of rectors of universities in the Podkarpacie region.

Higher education