Minister Czarnek announces the establishment of the Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe’s Institute for the Development of Polish Culture and Language

Tomasz Koryszko/KUL

“In the coming weeks, parliamentary works will begin on establishing the St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe Institute for the Development of Polish Culture and Language”, announced Minister of Education and Science Przemysław Czarnek during a meeting with participants of the holiday camp “Cultural summer with KUL” in Kazimierz Dolny.

As the head of the Ministry of Education and Science explained in an interview with journalists, this institution will fund scholarships for Poles abroad to study in Poland. “This will help young people discover Poland, and even encourage them to come back to it permanently”, emphasized Minister Czarnek.

The task of the institute will be supporting educational activities and initiatives addressed to the Polish diaspora and Poles abroad in the field of teaching Polish and in Polish, cultivating Polish tradition and promoting Polish culture, and maintaining national identity.
