Minister Czarnek attending the inauguration of the academic year at the Academy of Social and Medical Sciences in Lublin


The Academy of Social and Medical Sciences in Lublin solemnly inaugurated the new academic year. The event was attended by the Minister of Education and Science, Przemysław Czarnek.

During the inaugural lecture, “From pedagogy of shame to pedagogy of pride”, Minister Czarnek spoke about negligence in historical education. He pointed out that young people graduating from secondary schools had a very poor knowledge of recent history. At the same time, he pointed out that the lack of awareness and knowledge of the processes that determined contemporary reality makes it easy to manipulate the young generation. Therefore, it is important to provide sound historical education and to show different aspects of our past. 

The Academy of Social and Medical Sciences in Lublin (formerly: Higher School of Social Sciences) has been conducting its educational activities since October 2001. It currently has approximately 1 000 students. 
