Minister of Education and Science offers scholarships for outstanding young scientists

Adam Burakowski/REPORTER

The Minister of Education and Science, Przemysław Czarnek, awarded scholarships to 230 outstanding young scientists, including 37 doctoral students, representing 51 scientific and artistic disciplines. The winners will receive scholarships of PLN 5,390 per month for three years. The Ministry of Science will allocate nearly PLN 45 million for this purpose.

In this year’s competition, 1,828 applications for scholarships were submitted. They were evaluated by an advisory team to assess applications for scholarships from the minister responsible for higher education and science for students and outstanding young scientists, using a point-based method – within individual disciplines of science and art.

The largest number of scholarships was awarded to young scientists from the Warsaw University – 24 scholarships, Jagiellonian University in Krakow – 18 scholarships and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań – 12 scholarships.

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