Minister of Education and Science to increase academic staff salaries with PLN 1.5 billion 

Grzegorz Bukala/REPORTER

“In this extremely difficult time, it has been possible to allocate a total of over PLN 1.5 billion to increase spending on salary pay rises. This money will be at the disposal of rectors”, said Minister of Education and Science Przemysław Czarnek during the inauguration of the 2022/23 academic year at the University of Rzeszów.

In the current calendar year, the subsidy will be increased by PLN 150 million for the salaries of academic teachers. This will result in PLN 600 million more in the budget next calendar year for university staff salaries. Additionally, from May this allocation will be increased by PLN 700 million. In total, the Ministry of Education and Science will earmark almost PLN 1.5 billion for pay rises for university employees in the current and next calendar year.

During the ceremony, Minister Czarnek gave an inaugural lecture titled ‘Freedom of speech and freedom of artistic creativity in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland’.

Higher education