Ministry of Education and Science launches new study search engine


Deputy Director of the Centre for Digital Transformation of the Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN) Łukasz Wawer announced that a new, comprehensive search engine for studies will be launched this week (by 9 September) on the new portal of the Ministry of Education and Science at: during a speech at the Lublin Graduates’ Salon.

In addition to the recruitment requirements for individual majors, the study search engine will also contain information on the economic fate of graduates of these majors, how long they have been looking for a job, what the average level of their salary is, what the level of unemployment is among graduates of given majors. “This data is intended to raise awareness among high school graduates as to their choice of university course”, said Wawer.

The portal is to contain not only a search engine for fields of study, but also an individual educational account – created on the model of accounts already available in the field of health care or ZUS. This profile is to contain information about the education that has already been obtained, and in the future digital certificates of citizens’ education will also appear there. 

Higher education