Ministry of Science and Higher to work out Education State Scientific Policy


The scientific team led by Prof. Grzegorz Wrochna, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, has prepared a draft of the National Science Policy. It is a strategic document indicating the priorities for the functioning of the higher education and science system. The project has been sent for consultation.

The State Science Policy defines the most important development challenges for the Polish economy and Polish society and scientific research and training of high-class specialists at universities and doctoral schools.

The document defines actions that should be taken in the area of ​​higher education and science. The description of the priorities is the result of the SWOT analysis of Polish science and the list of challenges.

The scientific policy of Poland is to protect and support high-quality scientific research, free from political pressure, honest and ethical, aiming at the truth, strengthening the autonomy of universities so that they can shape independently their structure and research programs and conduct education based on their scientific and regional specificity”.
