Ministry of Science denies reports of its intention to cancel out the Polish Academy of Sciences


-We deny that the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) will be cancelled. This is a thesis with no slightest coverage in reality – stated the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in response to press information about the intentions of the alleged cancellation of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

-We would like to inform that the reform of the Polish Academy of Sciences is being considered and remains one of the priorities of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the current term. For now, we are discussing the direction of the reform of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Ministry of Science informs that while working on the reform, the Polish Academy of Sciences will “maintain a dialogue with the academic community, which was successfully used during the work on the Constitution for Science”.

The ministry also emphasized that “the Polish Academy of Sciences is a very important element of the Polish system of higher education and science, which is why the entire academic community should engage in a debate that would be open to different concepts.”

Higher education