Consortium coordinated by the Military Institute of Chemistry and Radiometry, comprising: University of Łódź, Military Institute of Armament Technology, Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Academy of Military Art and companies: PSO MASKPOL S.A., NORDCOM Sp. z o.o. AMZ Bis Sp. z o.o., created the ZEUS-2 vehicle, a mobile laboratory for police experts and officers combating terrorist threats.
It is the first such vehicle for the Polish police. The kit, consisting of a drone, robot and EOD suit, costs PLN 25 million. The vehicle was developed as part of a project funded by the National Centre for Research and Development.
The ZEUS-2 is a mobile laboratory for the analysis and elimination of various types of contamination. With its help, the police intend to support counter-terrorist activities at the scene of CBRN-E-type events (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear – explosives), i.e. those resulting from the use of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear weapons and explosives.