Mongolian ambassador to Poland visits Warsaw University 

Biuro Promocji UW

Dorj Barkhas, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Mongolia to Poland, met with Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, rector of the University of Warsaw (UW). 

The main topic of discussion was the development of cooperation with Mongolian universities in the field of academic exchange of students and staff, with emphasis on the promotion of cultural education and the intensification of joint activities.

“There is a growing interest in Asian culture among young people. We want to make it possible not only for students of the UW’s Faculty of Oriental Studies, but for everyone who would like to study in Mongolia. I am keen for students to follow their interests and see how Asian countries are developing”, said Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak.

“I have been working in Poland for three years and I am very pleased with our initiatives in education and direct contacts with universities. With the University of Warsaw, we have particularly good cooperation with biologists, geologists and archaeologists”, said Ambassador Dorj Barkhas.

Higher education