More secondary schools joined the Kozminski@TopHighSchool partnership

fot. ALK w Warszawie

The Kozminski@TopHighSchool initiative of Kozminski Leon Koźmiński Academy (ALK) in Warsaw is a partnership between the university and the best high schools and technical schools in Poland. Thanks to the cooperation, young people gain the opportunity to prepare for their dream studies with the support of academic staff and participate in classes and activities of scientific circles. The Klementyna Hoffman Secondary School No. 9 in Warsaw has just joined the programme.

Thanks to the cooperation agreement, young people will be able to participate in academic classes in economics and scientific events organised by the Academy. 

Students will be able to benefit from the rich experience and knowledge of scientists and practitioners. They will also collaborate with academic circles and student organisations. In addition, ALK will provide its patronage and support for the economics academic club of the Secondary School students. 

Higher education