More than a hundred students from China start studies at the Silesian University of Technology 

Politechnika Śląska

More than a hundred students from China have started their studies at the Silesian University of Technology (PŚ) as part of the Yanshan European University Institute. The study programme for students recruited in China lasts four years and is implemented in the ‘1+3’ scheme, i.e. for the first two semesters classes are held at Yanshan University and the following three years at the Silesian University of Technology.

“This cooperation is the fruit of many years of discussions; together we had to look for solutions on how to, for example, bridge the differences in the education system. We are proud that we have been so successful that the university in China has established a special institute dedicated to cooperation with the Silesian University of Technology; we are pioneers in the country in this respect”, says Professor Marek Pawełczyk, Vice-Chancellor for Science and Development of the Silesian University of Technology. 

Chinese students study at the faculties: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Chemical Engineering and Automation, Electronics and Computer Science. Graduates will receive a bachelor’s degree from Yanshan University and an engineering degree from the Silesian University of Technology. 

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Higher education