National Center for Research and Development to launch 7th GOSPOSTRATEG Competition 


The Director of the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR) announced the 7th competition under the Strategic Program for Scientific Research and Development “Social and economic development of Poland in the conditions of globalizing markets” – GOSPOSTRATEG.

GOSPOSTRATEG is a strategic research and development program aimed at increasing the use of the results of socio-economic research in shaping national and regional development policies by 2028. Within the seventh competition, NCBR is inviting participants to submit commissioned projects concerning two research issues:

“Sectoral program for the reconstruction of selected branches of Polish industry for the needs of offshore wind energy in order to create a new Polish economic specialization” and  “A comprehensive program of transformation and revitalization of the Polish industry for the development of photovoltaics (PV). Promoting intra-sector cooperation, stimulating an increase in productivity, innovation and personnel competencies, and strengthening energy security and supply chains for the development of photovoltaics”.


Modern economy Research and development