National Center for Research and Development to offer PLN 150 million in the competition for supporting research and development projects


As part of the Intelligent Development Program, the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR) has launched a competition to support research and development projects implemented by scientific and industrial consortia. PLN 150 million has been allocated for this purpose.

This is the second such competition this year and this sixth competition in the history of the “Application Projects” program. It enables joint implementation of research and development projects by enterprises and scientific units. The goal is to increase the scale of use of new native technologies by Polish companies.

Consortia consisting of a maximum of 5 entities can apply for co-financing, and both the scientific unit and the enterprise can be the consortium leader. There are no thematic restrictions in the “Application Projects” program – it suffices if the subject of the project is under the National Smart Specializations. This gives a number of possibilities to applicants who can also submit interdisciplinary projects.



Research and development