New microscope purchased for the Department of Histology of the Medical University of Gdańsk


The fluorescence microscope together with the software was purchased for the Department of Histology of the Medical University of Gdańsk. The device is equipped with an incubation chamber with a two-channel gas mixer and temperature control, which allows long-term observation of changes occurring in living cells.

The light source for observation in the fluorescence technique is a set of 16 LED elements. The microscope is also equipped with an eight-position, automated carousel for fluorescent filters, which allows observation of many markers in the same preparation. This is of particular importance in the study of the location, co-localization, translocation and morphological changes taking place in the cells.

The ultra-fast camera is responsible for image processing, which minimizes the exposure time of living cells to fluorescent light and greatly speeds up scanning of whole preparations. The purchase cost 450,000.PLN.
