A new rain garden has been created on the campus of the Gdansk University of Technology. The solutions applied in it may in future be applied in other rain gardens, both in Gdańsk and at the partners of the international NICE project, as part of which the university garden was created.
“Rain gardens are the reason why we are able to protect ourselves from flash floods and adapt our city to climate change. Intense rainfall, especially after prolonged periods of drought, generates very high surface run-off. Instead of getting into the overflowing rainwater drainage system, this all ends up in the garden, where the water is taken up by plants and is quickly evaporated.
A garden around which the ground is moist also regulates the temperature of the immediate environment, and the plants that grow there increase biodiversity. The garden was developed as part of the NICE project, part of the Horizon 2020 programme.
Read more: https://pg.edu.pl/aktualnosci/2023-10/ogrod-deszczowy-20-w-gdansku-powstal-na-pg