New secondary school class under the auspices of the Medical University of Wrocław

Uniwersytet Medyczny we Wrocławiu

The Medical University of Wrocław has become the patron of yet another class at the Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński Secondary School No. VII in Wrocław. This time, the university will take pupils from class I B under its wing and they will participate in classes conducted by its teaching staff.

The cooperation agreement provides, among other things, that over the next four years the university’s teaching staff will organise practical and theoretical classes for the students. Thanks to them, young people will broaden their knowledge of biology and chemistry, as well as health prevention.

Wrocław Secondary School No. VII has for years had the reputation of the school that best prepares students interested in further education at the medical university for their final exams.

“The Medical University is a valuable partner for us. In addition, the school’s history and position in international rankings gives our students a guarantee of contact with science at the highest level”, says the principal of the secondary school, Leszek Duszyński.

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Higher education