Next international ‘Summer School’ held at the Medical University of Silesia

Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny

Another ‘Summer School’ has come to an end – a project that was created on the initiative of the Silesian Medical University (SUM) in Katowice, the German Technische Universität München and the French Université de Nice – Sophia Antipolis. This year, students from Germany and France flew to Poland as part of international cooperation.

This year’s Summer School was held under the motto ‘Innovative medical technologies as the solution to global health challenges’. During the several-day visit, the guests took part in interesting discussions, lectures and exercises, and saw how much the region has to offer”.

A highlight for the participants was a trip to Zabrze’s Guido mine. They also visited the historic Nikiszowiec and Ustroń, where they managed to climb Czantoria Mountain. Next year, as part of the project, students from the Silesian Medical University and Technische Universität München will visit Nice.

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