Nicolaus Copernicus University is consistently strengthening its position in the webometric ranking of world universities. In the latest Cybermetrics Lab classification it is on the 7th position in Poland and 709th place in the world.
Four indicators are taken into account in the statement published twice a year: Presence – takes into account the size (number of pages) in the institution’s Internet domain; Visibility – evaluates the share of external websites that link to the institution’s home page; Transparency / Openness – takes into account the number of citations of one hundred best authors based on Google Scholar Citations and Excellence / Scholar – analyzes the number of articles in the 10 percent most often cited scientific journals, based on data collected by Scimago.
Compared to the previous ranking, it was promoted by 53 positions. On a European scale, the university ranks 297 place. Among the universities in Central and Eastern Europe it ranks 24th, and in the country – 7th position.