Online Estate Councillor Assistant awarded in Innovative Local Government competition

Poznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo-Sieciowe

The Internet Assistant of a Neighbourhood Councillor (IARO), a tool developed by the Office of Digitisation and Cyber Security of the Poznań City Hall in cooperation with the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Centre (PSNC), won a distinction in this year’s ‘Innovative Local Government’ competition. 

The tool was created as part of the Municipal Multimedia Guide platform – the official information service of the capital of Wielkopolska, a joint undertaking of the Poznań City Hall and the PSNC Future Internet Services Department. 

It allows equal and quick access to correspondence addressed to housing estate authorities to all housing estate councillors who have electronic mail. It enables notices of estate council sessions to be forwarded to them efficiently, together with all materials. In turn, the Department for the Support of City Auxiliary Bodies can check whether the estate councillor has read the communication in the IARO”.

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