Open-air libraries promote the European City of Science Katowice 2024

Przemysław Kowal Uniwersytet Śląski

Open-air libraries have been set up in front of the Silesian University’s rectorate building and in Katowice’s market square to promote the European City of Science (EMN) Katowice 2024. The title is awarded by the EuroScience organisation in cooperation with the European Commission, and it is the first time a city from Central and Eastern Europe has received it.

‘While the agenda for next year’s event is slowly being drawn up, we are already beginning activities to promote it among the residents. Hence the idea to set up open-air libraries that will interest, inform and, I hope, inspire them. These libraries will also become a literal reflection of the slogan that science is among us’, says Katowice Mayor Marcin Krupa.

The structures of the open-air libraries feature information in several languages about the title EMN Katowice 2024 and walls filled with plants. Inside, there are many books as well as a bench inviting visitors to relax and immerse themselves in reading. 

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