Opole University agreement with the House for Polish-German Cooperation

Uniwersytet Opolski

The House for Polish-German Cooperation is another institution with which the Faculty of Political Science and Social Communication at the University of Opole (UO) has concluded a cooperation agreement. The cooperation is to consist of, among other things, the implementation of joint academic and research projects, as well as opportunities for internships and placements for students.

“This agreement is the formalisation of joint initiatives that have actually been taking place for years. It is a confirmation of scientific, research and didactic cooperation, as well as an announcement of further joint activities”, says Dr Adam Drosik.

The cooperation is to concern the implementation of activities and tasks in the areas of research, teaching, education and science. In particular, these will include research projects aimed at disseminating and popularising knowledge, scientific research, didactic classes for students and pupils, student internships and placements, consultations, as well as cooperation concerning expert support, information and promotional activities.

More: https://uni.opole.pl/page/5700/kolejna-umowa-o-wspolpracy-wnopiks 

Higher education