Opole University of Technology launches new classes for children, young people and seniors  

Politechnika Opolska

The Opole University of Technology is launching electronic enrolment for the Academy of Young Hearts, Children’s Opole University of Technology and Youth Opole University of Technology. These are university projects for people of all ages interested in, among other things, technology, culture and art, a healthy lifestyle or tourism.

The Children’s Opole University of Technology, aimed at the youngest, has the richest history. This is already the 16th round of this project. Electronic enrolment starts already on 13 September.

“As every year, we invite children aged 9-14, i.e. born between 2009 and 2014, to participate in the classes. We are pleased that the parents of future young students have been contacting us for several weeks and asking about the details of the upcoming round. This proves that there is certainly no shortage of those wishing to attend the Saturday lectures”, says project coordinator Malgorzata Baldysz.

Enrolment in the Opole Youth University of Technology will begin on 19 September, with the tenth round of the Academy of Young Hearts, aimed at seniors, starting on 9 October.

Read more: https://wu.po.opole.pl/kolejne-edycje-zajec-dla-dzieci-mlodziezy-i-seniorow/ 

Higher education